Friday, May 21, 2010

More Flavors. . .

I realized that I haven't been putting what is in each of the mixed flavors. I'll be sure to do that from now on.

Also, today's blog is a good example of how, although taste seems like it should be the most important factor in a Tropical Sno sno cone, this is not always the case. Some of the flavors I claim to prefer less have received a higher overall rating due to their intriguing name or appealing look.

Details matter, folks. While taste is obviously most important, the little things that attract people to certain flavors says a lot.

I realize I'm putting a lot of thought into this... but it's summer. My lack of homework allows me to focus on the more important things in life... like Tropical Sno :)

Today's samples...

B-Dub - Watermelon, Cherry, & Strawberry
Name: ***** (5 Stars)
It was named after Eldridge citizen, Ben Woomer! (Because he invented it.) That's pretty cool - five stars.

Appearance: *** (3 Stars)
It's a combination of two reds and a pink, which isn't too exciting. Still, not ugly.

Smell: **** (4 Stars)
Fruity goodness. It smells delightful, but not quite delightful enough for five stars.

Taste: **** (4 Stars)
It tastes really good, but doesn't quite have the amazing "Woah!" factor. While I enjoy the taste a great deal, it would not make me exclaim, "Oh my gosh, this is amazing!" as I might with others.

Would I order this flavor again?
I probably wouldn't order it myself, but if someone else ordered it I would definitely ask them for a bite... or two. Or three.

Overall rating: 4 Stars


Name: N/A

Appearance: *** (3 Stars)
All one color. Nothing much else to say.

Smell: **** (4 Stars)
It smells like a banana... and bananas smell pretty darn good.

Taste: ***** (5 Stars)
Banana rocks my taste buds. I think every food in the world should have a banana-flavored version of it.

Would I order this flavor again?
Definitely. No question.

Overall Rating: 4 Stars


Bananaberry - Banana & Strawberry.
Name: **** (4 Stars)
Very fun to say. Yet, I think it could have incorporated more of the strawberry in the name. Banana is stealing the show.

Appearance: ***** (5 Stars)
Red and Yellow - Go Cyclones! Five stars! (Yes, I'm totally incorporating my own biases into my blog.)

Smell: **** (4 Stars)
Like B-Dub, it's a pleasant aroma of fruitiness. Nothing more, nothing less.

Taste: **** (4 Stars)
Anothing decent flavor. It goes without saying that mixing banana and strawberry will taste delicious... but does it taste extraordinary? Would I be satisfied eating only this flavor for the rest my life? Does is raise itself to a standard that all other Tropical Sno flavors wish to meet? No.
No five star rating here. But definitely worth four.

Would I order this flavor again?
Possibly. I would recommend it to a person who really likes banana.

Overall Rating: 4 1/4 Stars

Looking ahead on the Tro Sno menu, I've noticed some flavors names with five-star potential. If the other factors are as good as these flavors' names, we could possibly have some 5-star overall ratings coming up here! Very exciting.


  1. OK - I think taste is more important and should be weighted as such. Also, what about these flavors with add-ons? Are you going to get to them? Because some of my favorites are combos of some of these.

    B-Dub is great, but if you add grape it really hits it out of the park. (Baseball metaphor added for my son-in-law, the ultimate baseball fan.)

    Bananaberry is also great, but if you add peach, it's the most best and terrificest.

    I agree that adding banana to anything makes it taste better. But peach added to anything is wonderful, too. But I'm sure you'll get to peach, which is, I think, my favorite flavor.

    I want Tro Sno so badly right now!! I could have had one last night at the Viking Drive-in, but I got ice cream instead. I feel like a traitor getting place from anyone but the Eldridge Tropical Snow.

  2. You just used the word 'Anothing'.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. *edited a spelling error*

    I loved this post. It's interesting how this is turning out. For example, I can appreciate that Tropical Sno makes a quality, tasty banana flavor, but I'm interested to see if some of my faves can climb above that 4 star rating. Also, I think your assessment of B-Dub is fair enough, but it has a lot of devoted fans that would put it at the top of the leader board. Of course, this is subjective stuff though, and I think you are giving good insights into each flavor.

  5. I can't find the anothing anywhere - although I did find a nasty grammatical error in the second paragraph of my comment.

    And I find it astonishing that Ashley feels she can correct anyone's spelling errors. I've read your grocery lists, Ash!

  6. Last paragraph of my comment, not second paragraph!
