Friday, June 4, 2010


Holy crap, I eat a lot of Tropical Sno, don't I?

Three more flavors :)

Cotton Candy

Name: N/A

Appearance: *** (3 Stars)

Smell: **** (4 Stars)
Very sweet. Very pleasant.

Taste: ***** (5 Stars)
Cotton candy has a five-star taste. I was really surprised at how much I like it. It's very sweet, but I dig it.

Would I order this flavor again?
I just might. I'm definitely a fan of cotton candy.

Overall Rating: 4 Stars


Creamsicle (Orange & Vanilla)

Name: ***** (5 Stars)
I had to Google what a creamsicle was. I've never had one, but they sound de-lish-us. Anyway, the name fits the flavors perrrrrfectly.

Appearance: **** (4 Stars)
Orange and white. Very nice.

Smell: ***** (5 Stars)
Orange and vanilla are both fantastic scents.

Taste: **** (4 Stars)
I can understand why people like this because it does taste really good... but I'm not a huge fan of the orange, I don't think. Maybe I'll try this one again because I feel like I didn't have time to actually contemplate the taste when I actually ate it. If anything changes, I'll let you know. :)

Would I order this flavor again?
I don't think I would, but I still think it tasted really good.

Overall Rating: 4 1/2 Stars



Name: ***** (5 Stars)
First of all... seriously, how fun of a word is "flamingo?" Flamingo. Fla-ming-o. Flaaa-mingo. I was kind of annoyed when it was red and green, because flamingos are known for being pink, not red. But then I was Wikipedia-ing flamingos and it said that "adults range from light pink to bright red." So this works.
I kind of want a pet flamingo. How cool are those birds? Here's a picture of one.

If I had it as a pet, I might be kind of freaked out by it, actually... but I bet people would think I was super cool, when they asked if I had any pets and I was like, "Yeah, I have a pet flamingo. It lives in my backyard. I'm pretty awesome." I would probably name it Mingo Star... like, flaMINGO... and then Ringo Star... Not that I'm, like, a huge Ringo Star fan, but he's pretty cool, right? He narrates the Thomas the Train shows, which is pretty sweet. My nephew loves those.

I'm completely off topic. Appearance!

Appearance: ***** (5 Stars)
Red and green are nice colors together, plus they are flamingo-y.
It would be really cool if we shaped the ice to look like a flamingo... Like, how they fold napkins at fancy restaurants to look like swans...

Smell: ***** (5 Stars)
What a great smelling Tropical Sno.

Taste: ***** (5 Stars)
What a splendid flavor! Very simple - one strong flavor with one not quite as intense. People may say it's kind of safe, but I like simplicity. Sometimes that just what you need. So, for all those people who have had a rough day and just need a good-tasting treat, that you know you can depend on... go with a Flamingo. Saying "flamingo" will make you feel better, and then you get to eat a delicious Tropical Sno flavor.

Would I order this flavor again?
Yes - yes, I would. I just enjoyed every aspect of this flavor. Flamingos are super cool, so I'm glad there is a Tropical Sno named after one.

Overall Rating: 5 Stars

Yay - another 5-star flavor! You should all come to Tropical Sno and we could have conversations about flamingos because, they more information I find about them, the cooler I think they are. I mean, Tropical Snos, plus flamingo conversation... How could your day be any better?

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